Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Glossybox!

Today is a good day! You know why? I got my monthly Glossybox!  I like to joke around with a good friend that the name sort of sounds like a 'fancy, shiny know what...but, oh how I love it!

If you don't know about this fabulous little gift and want to receive a monthly subscription, here is the lowdown on their site: 

So basically, for $21 a month I get travel size (and sometimes full size) samples of professional and luxury beauty items that I would not have tried in the first place. It comes in gorgeous packaging (I'm a sucker for!) along with their monthly magazine and thank you card describing each beauty item.

I think they have have something good going here or I'm just a sucker for beauty products.  I feel like I'm getting a present in the mail whenever it comes and have debated about signing my Mom or even close friends up as a gift. Either way, today just got a little more special!

-Amber Rose

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Let me introduce myself...

My name is Amber Rose and I am a Freelance Hair + Makeup Artist living in Minneapolis, MN.  I've been in the business for almost a decade and love what I do.  I specialize in bridal, fashion and lifestyle hair + makeup, as well as hair extensions.

I'm passionate about making people feel confident and pushing them to try new looks.  After all, "All the worlds a stage, and all the men and women are merely players.." I'd like to think Mr. Shakespeare was encouraging us to step out our boxes when he wrote that. And though he probably wasn't talking about beauty and fashion- I'm going to go ahead and pretend so, so that I can be a new me tomorrow.  I hope you do the same.

-Amber Rose