Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Glossybox!

Today is a good day! You know why? I got my monthly Glossybox!  I like to joke around with a good friend that the name sort of sounds like a 'fancy, shiny know what...but, oh how I love it!

If you don't know about this fabulous little gift and want to receive a monthly subscription, here is the lowdown on their site: 

So basically, for $21 a month I get travel size (and sometimes full size) samples of professional and luxury beauty items that I would not have tried in the first place. It comes in gorgeous packaging (I'm a sucker for!) along with their monthly magazine and thank you card describing each beauty item.

I think they have have something good going here or I'm just a sucker for beauty products.  I feel like I'm getting a present in the mail whenever it comes and have debated about signing my Mom or even close friends up as a gift. Either way, today just got a little more special!

-Amber Rose

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